3D File Logo  3D

Published 2023-12-05T11:48:26+00:00

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    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2023-12-05T11:48:26+00:00



    8 objects

    Add Files To Cart $11.99
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    Printing Details
    Technical Information
    Date published 05/12/2023
    Price $11.99
    Dimensions 78x132x39
    More Information
    Object Parts
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Lys Pre Supported A1 Gun.lys
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Lys Pre Supported A10 Chair Left.lys
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Lys Pre Supported A11 Chair Right.lys
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Lys Pre Supported A2 Left Ammobox.lys
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Lys Pre Supported A3 Right Ammobox.lys
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Lys Pre Supported A4 Gun Base.lys
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Lys Pre Supported A5 Sight Base.lys
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Lys Pre Supported A6 Sight.lys
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Lys Pre Supported A7 Sight Connect.lys
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Lys Pre Supported A8 Wing Left.lys
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Lys Pre Supported A9 Wing Right.lys
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Lys Pre Supported B1 Base Front.lys
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Lys Pre Supported B2 Base Back.lys
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Lys Pre Supported B3 Wheel Left.lys
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Lys Pre Supported B4 Wheel Right.lys
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Lys Pre Supported B5 Leg.lys
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Lys Pre Supported S1 O Handle.lys
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Lys Pre Supported S2 Pedals.lys
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Lys Pre Supported S3 Sight Fixer.lys
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl A1 Gun.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl A10 Chair Left.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl A11 Chair Right.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl A2 Left Ammobox.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl A3 Right Ammobox.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl A4 Gun Base.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl A5 Sight Base.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl A6 Sight.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl A7 Sight Connect.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl A8 Wing Left.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl A9 Wing Right.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl B1 Base Front.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl B2 Base Back.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl B3 Wheel Left.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl B4 Wheel Right.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl B5 Leg.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl Pre Supported A1 Gun.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl Pre Supported A10 Chair Left.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl Pre Supported A11 Chair Right.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl Pre Supported A2 Left Ammobox.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl Pre Supported A3 Right Ammobox.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl Pre Supported A4 Gun Base.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl Pre Supported A5 Sight Base.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl Pre Supported A6 Sight.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl Pre Supported A7 Sight Connect.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl Pre Supported A8 Wing Left.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl Pre Supported A9 Wing Right.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl Pre Supported B1 Base Front.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl Pre Supported B2 Base Back.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl Pre Supported B3 Wheel Left.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl Pre Supported B4 Wheel Right.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl Pre Supported B5 Leg.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl Pre Supported S1 O Handle.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl Pre Supported S2 Pedals.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl Pre Supported S3 Sight Fixer.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl S1 O Handle.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl S2 Pedals.stl
    K38 002 L Zu 23 2 Legacy Edition Stl S3 Sight Fixer.stl