Shopping bag rigid base

Shopping bag rigid base


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Groceries toppling over in your shopping bags?


Here's a simple rigid base for shopping bags to keep your groceries steady and organised. Easily scaled to fit any shopping bag, or scaled thicker for heavier loads. Original dimensions were designed to fit Australian Woolworths 'bag for life' bags which came with flimsy and easily torn bases.


Single piece and two piece models are available as most printers cannot fit the single piece version (30 cm length). The two piece model has zero clearance so that the dovetails will fit together tightly to prevent them breaking apart from heavy loads.



1. If using the two piece model, try the simple dovetail test model first to ensure that they'll fit together well. They should click in place with some force and rigidly hold together. You may need to play with your slicer's XY compensation depending on your printer's accuracy.

2. I found 1.6 mm thickness to be more than rigid enough for a bag full of drinks. Consider scaling it thicker for heavier loads, especially the two piece version.

3. More rigid materials such as PLA are more suitable, but any material can work by scaling up the thickness. It's a great way to use up the last bit of filament on a finishing spool.

4. Triangle infill pattern is the strongest for bending in Z direction. Consider reducing top/bottom layers to 2 so you have more infill layers to save filament. This almost halves the filament usage.

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