Samsung Dishwasher Dish Rack Handle

Samsung Dishwasher Dish Rack Handle


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This is a replacement handle for the adjustable dish racks in Samsung Dishwasher model DW80K7050US. I'm not sure if they use these same handles in any other models. There are several of these throughout my dishwasher, and oddly, when I tried this handle in a few different spots, it was sometimes a perfect fit, sometimes a bit loose, sometimes a bit tight. There seems to be a bit of variation even within a single dish washer, which may explain why the originals were falling off. You may need to scale it up or down slightly depending on your printer settings, and dishwasher. Where the originals fell off, I found there is usually a bit of the original glue left over, and sometimes this needs to be removed for a good fit, and sometimes it is better to leave it alone. If it fits too loosely, you can also maybe use a bit of epoxy or something.

Be sure to print this in something that can take a bit of heat. I printed mine in ABS. I'm sure this is not foodsafe, but I didn't think it mattered considering it is a small part that isn't coming in to direct contact with food. You can use your own judgement.

I printed it in the orientation shown in the STL (smallest side down). This does require good bed adhesion .. use a brim or a raft or something if necessary. I oriented it this way to keep supports to a minimum and to eliminate the possibility of elephants foot affecting the inner diameter of the barrel.

If this design was useful to you, consider a tip or post a make!

Print instructions

Print Settings

Printer Brand: Anycubic
Printer: All-metal Mega
Rafts: Doesn't Matter
Supports: Yes
Resolution: 0.1
Infill: Gyroid

Supports touching buildplate only, do not reposition model. Scale only if necessary.

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