Hard Rock Flower - Sprout of Tune (from Fortnite)

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Hard Rock Flower - Sprout of Tune (from Fortnite)


Print Profile(2)

X1 Carbon
A1 mini

sprout of tune P1/X1 - 0.16mm layer, 3 walls, 8% infill
sprout of tune P1/X1 - 0.16mm layer, 3 walls, 8% infill
6.2 h
4 plates

sprout of tune A1M - 0.16mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
sprout of tune A1M - 0.16mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
8 h
6 plates



It's springtime, Loopers! Put your petal to the metal!


Yes, this is the "Sprout of Tune" - the Rock 'n' Roll emote from Fortnite. Print it and show everybody that you are as hard as a flower!
The head can be rotated and moved in every direction, so it rocks the way you want.


Just to be clear - this is not a model ripped out of the game files. I designed every single bit according to some screenshots I took.

Printing and assembling this model ist not too difficult. I show in detail my recommended settings and assembly steps to make it as easy as possible. 
To print this model you need preferably eight different PLA colours. An AMS system is helpfull but not necessary because each coloured part can be printed seperately. Most parts are easy to print with just mild support. Only the right leaf and the stem need significant support. For assembly you will need a little bit of glue to keep the different parts in place. Simple superglue is good enough.

Print preparation:
Calibrate your filament (flow and K-factor) because this is relevant for quality (skip if you are using Bambu filament). 
Dry your filament. Wet filament is brittle and might break. Test the Flower Joint before starting the assembly to make sure it does not break.
De-grease your print-bed. Wash it with dish soap. Bad bed adhesion is in most cases not a print profile issue but a cleanliness problem.
My recommendation is to not use the cold plate but the dual-side textured PEI-plate @60°C bed temperature. Glue is not necessary.


Printing in general:
For all parts use a layer height of 0.16mm. Set the speeds according to your filament. I am using 150 mm/s for the outer wall and the top surfaces to improve quality.
Turn support on - you will need it. Use 3 walls, 5 tops and four bottoms. 8% gyroid infill should be enough for most parts.


Printing in particular:
Flower Bud - 18% infill and 8 top layers to achieve a better surface quality
Flower Soil - 18% infill and 8 top layers for surface quality and 0.2 layer height for printing time
Flower Pot - 0.2 layer height to save some time

Guitar Strings - 0.1 layer height, 0.3mm line thickness for top surface, Arachne and only one wall on top surfaces to get all details / normal support for the neck
Guitar Pin - 5mm outer brim, 0mm distance / 0.1 layer height and slow down the outer wall speed

Stem - use tree support only on build plate and turn outer brim on (10mm, 0mm distance)
Stem Leaf Right - orientate as you like, use normal support and turn outer brim on (10mm, 0mm distance)
Stem Leaf Left - orientate as you like, use normal support and turn outer brim on (10mm, 0mm distance)

See my 3mf file for further details and to see my recommended part orientation.

Assembly in general:
Assembly is not difficult. But make sure that you deburr all parts soroughly, especially the stem leaves. Otherwise the may not fit in the stem.


Assembly in particular:
Flower Pot & Soil - just put them together, no need for glue. But you can put some weight (e.g. a stone) in the pot to stabilze the model.
Guitar - just put the parts together and use a little but of glue. Do not forget to put the pin into the hole on the back.

Stem - Easy, put the leafs and the guitar into the holes of the stem. The Stem Joint goes into the hole on top. Glue should not be necessary.
Pot & Stem - just put them together, no need for glue.

Flower Bud - Insert Mouth and Eyes, secure them with a tiny bit of glue. 
Flower Bottom - You need the correct assembly sequence and some time for this. Glue 5x Petal 1 to the Flower Bottom and let it dry. Then glue 5x Petal 2 to it. 
Flower - Press the Flower Bud on the Flower Bottom. If necessay add glue. Same for the Flower Joint on the backside.

Final step - Snap the Flower to the Stem. It is a tight fit and will need some force.

And now shake your bud and bang your head, loopers!

This work by blecheimer is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0.
You are not allowed to copy this model to other 3D printing websites without my permission.

Comment & Rating (5)

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Print Profile
sprout of tune P1/X1 - 0.16mm layer, 3 walls, 8% infill
Hell yeah! This printed and assembled perfectly. Printed the guitar main body with red PLA and used a silver acrylic liner for the metal detailing Thanks for this awesome model, you rock! ;-)
The designer has replied
Wow, somebody really did print this model - I never expected that. Thank you for being as crazy as me! ;)
Replying to @blecheimer :
Hehe, maybe I'm a bit crazy (well... who isn't...). If I want a "normal" sunflower I can just go into the next store and buy one. This one really stands out. I think it's a shame that this model didn't get much attention so far. It's well-designed (only minimal supports needed) and all parts fit together perfectly
No more


This work is licensed under a Standard Digital File License.

You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, host, transfer, or distribute in any way the digital or 3D printed versions of this object, nor any other derivative work of this object in its digital or physical format (including - but not limited to - remixes of this object, and hosting on other digital platforms). The objects may not be used without permission in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, or collect fees.