Enchanted Blade of Eldoria - 3D Printable Fantasy Sword Model

Enchanted Blade of Eldoria - 3D Printable Fantasy Sword Model 3D print model


Forge your own legend with the Enchanted Blade of Eldoria – a 3D printable model inspired by the epic tales of yore. This digital blueprint is a homage to the mystical swords wielded by heroes and heroines in countless fantasies, ready to become a centrepiece of your collection.


Intricate Craftsmanship: Designed with ornate detailing along the hilt and a blade that whispers tales of ancient battles and forgotten magic. Print & Personalise: Whether you choose to print it life-sized to hang on your wall or miniaturised for a tabletop game, the model can be scaled to suit any quest. LARP Ready: Robust and regal, it's ideal for cosplayers and LARP enthusiasts looking to add authenticity to their ensembles – just remember, it's for show, not for actual dragon-slaying! Embark on a journey of imagination with this exquisitely modelled sword – because every would-be hero deserves a blade with a story.

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Enchanted Blade of Eldoria - 3D Printable Fantasy Sword Model
Royalty Free License 
Enchanted Blade of Eldoria - 3D Printable Fantasy Sword Model
Royalty Free License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl)804 Bytes
  • Stereolithography (.stl)4.48 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-11-06
  • Model ID#4887162
  • Ready for 3D Printing