Wall Panel A01 - Interior Design Decoration

Wall Panel A01 - Interior Design Decoration Free 3D print model


Wall Panel A - Interior Design Decoration Wallboard Dyi Texture

Single Piece Size: 200x200x29mm 04 Tiles Set Size: 400x400

You can print a single file 20x20cm, make 04 copies of it, and create a 40x40cm panel composition. With this panel you can create a wall texture.

From this item you can make a silicon mold to create in any material you prefer.

On my profile, there are more panels and I can create any kind of panel if you request. You can also paint the color you prefer.

Easy Printing (one side is full flat, other has little differences in volume) No Support Required.

Didn't print test, but if I did, I would this Cura settings on my Ender 3 Pro, printing in PLA: -Dynamic Quality: 0.16mm -Printing Temperature: 200 -Build Plate Temperature: 70 -Speed: 35 mm/s -Build Plate Adhesion Type: Brim But feel free to change and use the settings you prefer.

I could suggest a resin printer for a great quality item.

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Wall Panel A01 - Interior Design Decoration
Royalty Free No Ai License 
Wall Panel A01 - Interior Design Decoration
Royalty Free No Ai License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)884 Bytes

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-08-31
  • Model ID#4746212
  • Ready for 3D Printing