Flaaffy VOXEL for 3d printing

Flaaffy VOXEL for 3d printing 3D print model


Flaaffy is an Electric-type Pokémon that was introduced in Generation II of the Pokémon franchise. It is the evolved form of Mareep and evolves into Ampharos at level 30. Flaaffy is known for its fluffy wool coat and the orb-shaped growth on its head that produces electricity.

In the Pokémon games, Flaaffy is often obtained by evolving Mareep or through trading with another player. It is known for its high Special Defense and Special Attack stats, as well as its ability to learn a variety of Electric-type moves, such as Thunderbolt and Thunder Wave.

In the Pokémon anime, Flaaffy has made several appearances as a companion Pokémon of a main character or as a wild Pokémon. It is often depicted as a playful and energetic Pokémon that loves to play and interact with other characters.

Overall, Flaaffy has become a popular and recognizable Pokémon among fans of the series, and its unique appearance and Electric-type abilities have made it a popular choice for merchandise and media appearances.

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Flaaffy VOXEL for 3d printing
Royalty Free License 
Flaaffy VOXEL for 3d printing
Royalty Free License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)39.7 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-08-01
  • Model ID#4677280
  • Ready for 3D Printing