Rhino Ranger Helmet from Jungle Fury for 3D printing

Rhino Ranger Helmet from Jungle Fury for 3D printing 3D print model


hino Ranger Helmet from Jungle Fury for 3D printing

You will receive these files:

  • Complete Helmet
  • Helmet whitout visor
  • Visor
  • Back Part for easy wearing

You need to scale it for fit your head.

As you can see in pictures, I've make the rear part removable for easy print and wear.

You'll receive the file automatically after purchase.

Do not share/resale, for private use only.

Feel Free to contact me for any issue.

Item rating
2 0
lafortune-mathew 2022-03-11 14:47:59 UTC
I need a file thats formatted to the ender 5 small because now matter what i do this file fails the print every time
velluminous 2020-09-15 14:36:42 UTC
Pros: Very nice details on the model. Looks very accurate to the screen version. I scaled it to 120% to fit an adult human head and it 3D printed great. Cons: The model is very thin. If 3D printing, there are spots around the "nose" and jaw areas that are so thin they will have holes when slicing the model. I countered this by using horizontal expansion to thicken the walls. At 120% (large enough for adult human head) the back opening is still too small to fit one's head inside, even without the neck piece.
Rhino Ranger Helmet from Jungle Fury for 3D printing
Custom License 
Rhino Ranger Helmet from Jungle Fury for 3D printing
Custom License 
Response 35% in 48.0h
3D Print Modeling
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (4 files)45.3 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2018-03-11
  • Model ID#864901
  • Ready for 3D Printing