Lizard people warriors including 4 armed lizard warrior

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Published 2021-10-13T14:06:17+00:00

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    $2.45 Lizard people warriors including 4 armed lizard warrior

    3D File Logo  3D

    Published 2021-10-13T14:06:17+00:00

    Lex Addams


    245 objects

    Add Files To Cart $2.45
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    Technical Information
    Date published 13/10/2021
    Price $2.45
    More Information
    Object Parts
    Aztec Lizard Warrior V3 4 Armed Warrior 1.Lys 22 MB
    Aztec Lizard Warrior V3 4 Armed Warrior 1.Stl 21 MB
    Aztec Lizard Warrior V3 Dual Dagger Pose A.lys 22 MB
    Aztec Lizard Warrior V3 Dual Dagger Pose A.stl 21 MB
    Aztec Lizard Warrior V3 Dual Swords Pose A.lys 25 MB
    Aztec Lizard Warrior V3 Dual Swords Pose A.stl 24 MB
    Aztec Lizard Warrior V3 Single Swords Pose A.lys 44 MB
    Aztec Lizard Warrior V3 Single Swords Pose A.stl 43 MB
    Aztec Lizard Warrior V3 Sword And Dagger 2.Lys 20 MB
    Aztec Lizard Warrior V3 Sword And Dagger 2.Stl 19 MB
    Aztec Lizard Warrior V3 Sword And Spear Pose A.lys 24 MB
    Aztec Lizard Warrior V3 Sword And Spear Pose A.stl 23 MB