Panzer Buggy Guns

Panzer Buggy Guns 3D print model


Alternatives for the front section of the Panzer Buggy (link to Panzer Buggy below).

Please note that this model ONLY includes a set of addons for the Panzer Buggy. The tank itself is sold separately. See pictures for further information. The print file* contains numerous separate pieces (as you can see in the images with pieces laid out in a square pattern). The images with the armored vehicle depicts how the various pieces (highlighted in red) look when used in conjunction with the Panzer Buggy (which, again, is NOT included in this model).

  • UPDATE 20210811 : All guns separated and packaged as separate .stl files.

Includes the following:

  • 1 Long Gun
  • 1 Machine Gun
  • 1 Plasma Cannon
  • 1 Flame Cannon
  • 2 Gauss Cannon
  • 1 Extra Armor Plate
  • 1 Worn Extra Armor Plate
  • 1 Medium Cannon

Intended for use with the Panzer Buggy kit, but can be used for most 28mm scale tanks with some conversion work.

Intended for 3d print in 28mm scale.

Panzer Buggy kit can be found here:

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me by clicking on the letter symbol next to my designer profile.

Item rating
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Panzer Buggy Guns
Editorial No Ai License 
10% for Ukraine
Panzer Buggy Guns
Editorial No Ai License 
10% for Ukraine
Response 92% in 11.7h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (2 files)2.58 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-11-07
  • Model ID#2692426
  • Ready for 3D Printing