StarWars Spacetrooper pack full set

StarWars Spacetrooper pack full set 3D print model


good day dear all,

this is Spacetrooper backpack full set, it includes almost everthing needed for converting from normal Stormtrooper into Spacetrooper, you will need some 1.25" diameter ribbed hoses to complete your Spacetrooper backpack.

the backpack is designed basis 177cm trooper (please see scaled demonstration in picture), but it may suitable for all stormtrooper without adjusting its scale.

last 4 photos are 1/6 (17%) samples using 0.25mm nozzles , if you want to use this for 12 inches figures or smaller, b鞥I suggest to use SLA printer for better resolution.

**Stormtrooper in picture is not included.

any quesiton or you need me to slice it to smaller piece for smaller printer, please PM, will be happy to solve it for you

use E-6000 or Epoxy glue to assemble to ensure maximum strangth, you may need to piling at some part but its up to you.

you may want to use some strong rare earth magnets for waring your backpack while you in your armor.

you can print it out and make backpack for your friends or costomers, please do not share the file, thanks.

spiderrogue 2020-04-30 06:54:13 UTC
i kinda want this..but would like to see how it would turn out in 1/6th scale maybe, if you had the time that is...
viola0083 2020-05-01 12:55:52 UTC
last 4 photos are 1/6 (17%) samples using 0.25mm nozzles , if you want to use this for 12 inches figures or smaller, better use SLA printer for better resolution.
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StarWars Spacetrooper pack full set
Royalty Free License 
StarWars Spacetrooper pack full set
Royalty Free License 
Response 100% in 10.3h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (13 files)559 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-04-28
  • Model ID#2392124
  • Ready for 3D Printing