dwarf DOPEY

dwarf DOPEY 3D print model


INTERESTING INFORMATION!!! Walt had suggested from the very beginning that each of the dwarfs, whose names are not stated in the original story, could all have individual personalities. Their names were chosen from a pool of about fifty potentials, including Jumpy, Deafy, Dizzey, Hickey, Wheezy, Baldy, Gabby, Nifty, Sniffy, Swift, Lazy, Puffy, Stuffy, Tubby, Shorty, Burpy, and even Awful. The seven finalists were chosen through a process of elimination. Their leader, required to be pompous, self-important and bumbling, was named Doc; others were named for their distinguishing character traits. At the end of the October story meetings, however, only Doc, Grumpy, Bashful, Sleepy, and Happy of the final seven were named; at this point, Sneezy and DOPEY were replaced by 'Jumpy' and an unnamed seventh dwarf.

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dwarf DOPEY
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dwarf DOPEY
Royalty Free License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl)34 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl)49.3 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-05-09
  • Model ID#3746397
  • Ready for 3D Printing