Fey Nature and Houses Tabletop Scenery

Fey Nature and Houses Tabletop Scenery 3D print model


A collection of seven printable terrain models for role playing games and wargaming. They are primarily designed for 20~28mm gaming but of course, the models with no visual disruption in size alterations (the fey trees for example) can be easily used in any print size you want for use in other games. For this pack, I left everything in solid .stl's so whoever wants to print the houses in much smaller or bigger sizes can choose to hollow them.

The trees are a tree-like, gnarly and twisted plant so they can either be painted as tree trunks or with greener washes so as to appear as giant gnarled plants, their texture will allow for both. The portal also maintains the fey design so even if you use it on a different themed tabletop, everyone can see where that portal originates from (feylands, Malabog's realm, Underdark, the Beastlands, Chult or the High Forest are good examples). Some of the plants make it convenient for smaller size miniatures to climb on and even hide - for most human sized minis to do that you will need a slightly larger print (20-30mm).

The scenery will provide a beatiful tabletop for many games in need of fey/dark fey/elven or fairie environments, plus the portal can very easily be used to make this a "plane" where the group of heroes travels to and from. The houses might easily pass for other humanoid structures like maybe gnomes or halflings, but without the portal as not so many portals lie around in halfling villages.

What's in the pack (1 .stl per item):

Fey Portal

Large Fey House

Small Fey House


Thorny Rootlings

Fey Tree

Fey Tree with Thorns

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Fey Nature and Houses Tabletop Scenery
Royalty Free License 
50% for Ukraine
Fey Nature and Houses Tabletop Scenery
Royalty Free License 
50% for Ukraine
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (7 files)208 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2018-10-23
  • Model ID#1017351
  • Ready for 3D Printing