Wraith Squadron Wall Plaque

Wraith Squadron Wall Plaque 3D print model


For my 6th business year (has it been that long already...?) I want to start introducing some new product lines. Here's the first of one of those lines; for all you fans of the REAL Star Wars (ie. not the Disney abominations), you can now hang on your wall the unit plaque of Wedge Antilles' squadron of screw-ups and misfits, otherwise known as Wraith Squadron. For those who haven't read the X-Wing series of novels (and if you're a Star Wars fan I want to know WHY), Wraith Squadron was put together by Wedge as a fighter squadron which could also carry out commando operations. He assembled the team from pilots who'd.... shall we say.... not had the most auspicious careers, and they went on to prove themselves admirably in the field, up to the Yuuzhan-Vong war and beyond.

This plaque is based on the Wraith Squadron unit patch originally designed by Tyria Sarkin, the unit's scout and resident Jedi. I'll warn you straight off: in my case basically because it takes about a week to make. First I 3D print all the separate colours and assemble them into the basic unit (that takes about three days in itself). I then coat it in a thin layer of photopolymer resin which seeps into all the gaps and fills them, and then I leave it in the sun, or in my special UV curing box I'm making, until the resin is set solid. That again, for safety's sake, takes about a day. Then I have to hand-sand it down until it's smooth, then polish it with a series of increasing grades of sandpaper until it's REALLY smooth. Finally a generous coat of Armorall brings out the colours and protects it. Then it's ready for hanging!

On the rear there are spaces for two 10mm x 20mm x 2mm neodymium magnets (the really strong ones). If you also get two small steel plates and mount them on the wall it means you can hang your plaque on the wall without damaging the paint/wallpaper/whatever, you can easily take it down for cleaning, and if you buy and download any more of the upcoming plaques (I've got LOTS planned) you'll be able to swap them around at will whenever you want to freshen up your decor a bit!

Measurements: 200mm x 200mm x 4mm

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Wraith Squadron Wall Plaque
Royalty Free License 
Wraith Squadron Wall Plaque
Royalty Free License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (5 files)4.48 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-03-17
  • Model ID#3647065
  • Ready for 3D Printing