Skelegod Undead Minion Head -Motu 3 scales-

Skelegod Undead Minion Head -Motu 3 scales- 3D print model


This is one of the works I'm most proud of, and it's also my first head on the Masters of the Universe Revelations show. One of the first powers we see Skelegod use is a kind of purple mist that turns people it comes into contact with into undead slaves with cadaverous faces and goat horns. It is also the first head that I have made with a version for the three main Motu figure scales: Classics, Origins and Masterverse.

Created by: RBL3D

Non-commercial use.


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Skelegod Undead Minion Head -Motu 3 scales-
Custom License 
Skelegod Undead Minion Head -Motu 3 scales-
Custom License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (3 files)132 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-03-01
  • Model ID#3615305
  • Ready for 3D Printing