Kabuto I - samurai helmet

Kabuto I - samurai helmet 3D print model


Kabuto (兜, 冑) is a type of helmet first used by ancient Japanese warriors, and in later periods, they became an important part of the traditional Japanese armour worn by the samurai class and their retainers in feudal Japan.

Cuts joints ready.

Kabuto (兜, 冑) is a type of helmet first used by ancient Japanese warriors, and in later periods, they became an important part of the traditional Japanese armour worn by the samurai class and their retainers in feudal Japan.

STL Files watertight.

Cuts and joints ready.

Let me know if you have any requests.


PS: - Reselling the files is not allowed.

- This is a 3D model (not phisical) without textures. - Feel free to use it in your commercial 3d printing projects.

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Kabuto I - samurai helmet
Royalty Free License 
Kabuto I - samurai helmet
Royalty Free License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (14 files)211 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-10-15
  • Model ID#3327352
  • Ready for 3D Printing