The Host alien head

The Host alien head 3D print model


Hello , Welcome to 'The Sculptures of Acheron' series with this Sculpture 'The Host'. Made influenced by the Alien and Prometheus films this charcater represents an Art piece from the Alien Worlds. Supported by a new face hugger along with the small aliens that are swimming and eating their way through her face. She is highly detailed in the themes but still elegant in her own right. The sculpture represents and feast of the host from the distant future. A scifi horror epic that is designhed to be tasteful , horrific and beautifull. I hope you enjoy looking at her and printing her. I have included the Pre supported versions in STL and CTB so you can scale to your liking. The unsupported STLs are also included for those who wish to make their own supports. I printed her on my Mars3 using #monocure3d rapid grey resin. The printed version in the pictures is 120mm height 90 % scale. The model files is 135x91x91mm scaleable. Thanks again to all that buy my models and help me contiue to produce content for all styles. Any questions please send a message and Ill reply asap. Happy Printing, Calum

dont forget to send pics of your finished models and i'll add them to the users pics:)

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CChG 2023-06-25 18:56:52 UTC
The Host alien head
Editorial No Ai License 
The Host alien head
Editorial No Ai License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (2 files)86.7 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-08-16
  • Model ID#3934922
  • Ready for 3D Printing