山海 ShanHai Realm --策略性桌遊 a Strategic Board game

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山海 ShanHai Realm --策略性桌遊 a Strategic Board game


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The Yin and Yang decoration pieces for storage box
The Yin and Yang decoration pieces for storage box
19 min
1 plate

Octagon storage box for standard game pieces will not fit landscape tiles
Octagon storage box for standard game pieces will not fit landscape tiles
3.4 h
1 plate

The BaGua decoration pieces for storage box
The BaGua decoration pieces for storage box
30 min
1 plate

The BaGua decoration pieces for storage box
The BaGua decoration pieces for storage box
23 min
1 plate
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A Game to play with friends and family during the Chinese New Year seasons. 



山海 ShanHai Realm: an ancient Chinese auspicious beast themed boardgame


2024 is not merely the year of the Dragon, ….



Ancient Chinese astronomers observed a recurring celestial phenomenon: every twenty years, Saturn and Jupiter align on a straight line, often coinciding with significant geological and natural disasters on Earth, accompanied by unusual human behaviors. Further studies revealed a sixty-year alignment involving Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury. Additionally, every one hundred and eighty years, all nine major planets align on one side of the Sun, forming what ancient astronomers termed the "conjunction of nine planets." This celestial cycle persists endlessly, displaying remarkable consistency


 japanese nihonga painting about ancient chinese astronomy conjunction of nine planets, Nihonga, ancient japanese painting, intricate, detailed, illustrate the astronomer looking shocked and amazed as the planets begin to move and interact with each other

Recognizing this pattern, ancient Chinese scholars devised the "Three Yuan Nine Yun" system to organize time. They divided one hundred and eighty years into three periods: "Shang Yuan" (上元), "Zhong Yuan" (中元), and "Xia Yuan" (下元), each lasting sixty years and subdivided into three "Yun" (運), spanning twenty years. This system comprised three Yuan and nine Yun, grouped into "Yuan Yun" (元運).




In 2024, we enter the ninth Yun (九運), which spans from 2024 to 2043 and corresponds to the Li hexagram in BaGua. The Li hexagram symbolizes fire, armor, weapons, and the like, evoking thoughts of war and chaos on Earth, our mortal world.




But beyond our mortal sight lies another realm—the celestial ShanHai (山海)realm, where mountains soar and seas churn with ancient power. Here dwell the auspicious beasts, guardians of balance and bringers of fate. Yet amidst the celestial harmony, a shadow looms. In the ShanHai realm, a fierce battle rages between the Yin and Yang clans, each striving to maintain the balance of the universe—Yin and Yang. Their conflict spans across time and space, profoundly shaping the destiny of the world, even that of mortals.




山海 ShanHai


The game employs hexagonal tiles to represent the diverse elements found in the ShanHai. A complete ShanHai set comprises 22 pieces (not including advance pieces), with 11 pieces allocated to each player, each symbolizing a creature and featuring distinct movement capabilities. The game also contain 12 pieces of landscape tiles, 6 mountains (Shan) and 6 seas (Hai).




Main Pieces 主要棋子:

• 1x 應龍YingLong (Yellow-Gold)

YingLong, also known as the Yellow Dragon, is a colossal deity in ancient Chinese mythology revered as the embodiment of creation, preservation, and destruction. Ancients bestowed upon YingLong the titles of "God of Creation of the materials and the world we know" and depicted it as a war god and a great general by the side of the Emperor Huang. Residing in the celestial realm, according to the Classic of Mountains and Seas: The Great Wild North《山海經·大荒北經》, YingLong assisted the Emperor Huang in battle against Chiyou, ultimately aiding in his defeat. YingLong's characteristic feature is its wings, symbolizing the fusion of the dragon and phoenix. Not only did YingLong play a role in the creation of heaven and earth, but it is also revered as the ancestor of the Phoenix and QiLin. Wherever YingLong's tail passed, rivers flowed and mountains rose along its banks.

應龍,又稱黃龍 ,是中國遠古神話傳説中“集創世、造物、滅世三位一體的巨神”,被古人賦予了“創世神”和“造物神”的尊稱,也作為戰神出現,是黃帝身邊的大將。本居於天上世界,據《山海經·大荒北經》記載:黃帝與蚩尤作戰,應龍、魃等幫助黃帝,最終蚩尤戰敗被殺。應龍的形象特徵為有翼,象徵龍鳳圖騰的相融合. 應龍不僅能開闢天地,還是鳳凰與麒麟的祖先。應龍是“龍之始祖” 應龍的尾劃過的地方,平地出河,兩岸成為山巒。


• 2x 玄武 XuanWu (Brown)

XuanWu, one of the four celestial guardians in ancient Chinese mythology, also known as the Turtle-Snake, originates from ancient star worship. It refers to the northern XuanWu constellation, composed of seven stars divided into four cardinal directions (east, south, west, and north) among the twenty-eight constellations.

XuanWu is a spiritual creature formed by the combination of a turtle and a snake. In traditional Chinese culture, the Four Symbols represent the cardinal directions, namely the Azure Dragon (QingLong), the White Tiger (BaiHu), the Vermilion Bird (ZhuQue), and XuanWu, representing the east, west, south, and north respectively. In the Eight Trigrams, XuanWu corresponds to the Kan trigram and is associated with the water element in the Five Elements theory, symbolizing the elderly Yin among the Four Symbols and the winter season among the four seasons, as well as the northern land of heaven.

The original meaning of XuanWu is "darkness," with "wu" sharing an ancient pronunciation with "ming." "Xuan" means black, while "ming" refers to the Yin aspect.



• 2x 白虎 BaiHu (Silver/Grey)

BaiHu, one of the four celestial guardians in ancient Chinese mythology, is the deity of the west. Later revered by Taoism, along with QingLong, ZhuQue, and XuanWu, collectively known as the Four Gods of the Four Directions.

According to "Zhongxing Zhengxiang," BaiHu is described as entirely white like snow, without any mixed fur. BaiHu originated from ancient Chinese star worship, representing the western seven constellations, and is one of the four celestial guardians. Taoism refers to BaiHu as the "Guardian of Soldiers," and various Taoist scriptures refer to it as "Emperor," "Holy General," "Spiritual General," or "Ghost-Capturing General." Among the twenty-eight constellations, BaiHu is the collective term for the western seven constellations (Kui, Lou, Wei, Mao, Bi, Zui, Shen). In terms of the Four Symbols, BaiHu represents the Lesser Yin, and in terms of the Five Elements, it represents Metal, symbolizing the west and the autumn season.

白虎,中國古代神話中的天之四靈之一,西方之神,後為道教所信奉,同青龍、朱雀、玄武合稱四方四神。據《中興徵祥》記載,白虎全身如雪,無雜毛。 白虎起源於中國上古對於的星宿崇拜,是西方七宿, 天之四靈之一,道教將其稱為「監兵」,在不同的道經中有「帝君」、「聖將」、「神將」和「捕鬼將」等稱呼。 在二十八宿中,白虎是西方七宿(奎、婁、胃、昴、畢、觜、參)的總稱。於四象為少陰,在五行則為金,是主西方、秋季的神靈。


• 3x 青龍 QingLong (Green)

QingLong, also known as CangLong, is one of the Four Symbols and one of the Four Celestial Emblems in traditional Chinese culture. According to the theory of the Five Elements, it represents the eastern direction and is a green dragon. It belongs to the Wood element and symbolizes the spring season. In the Eight Trigrams, it corresponds to the "Zhen" trigram and is associated with the "Eastern Seven Mansions" among the "Four Symbols." QingLong has a long body with double horns on its head and scales covering its body. In ancient times, people believed that dragons, being associated with rain in the Wood element, controlled rainfall. Rainfall determined agricultural harvests, which in turn determined people's livelihoods, making dragons the primary totem of agricultural societies. Similar to YingLong, QingLong also possesses wings.

青龍,又名蒼龍,在中國傳統文化中是四象之一、天之四靈之一,根據五行學說,它是代表東方的靈獸,為青色的龍,五行屬木,代表的季節是春季,八卦主震, 對應“四象”中的“東方七宿”。青龍頭長雙角、身上披鱗,因五行中東屬木而色青古人認為是龍掌管着降雨,而降雨又決定着農耕收成,農耕的收成則決定着人們的生活水平,龍成了農耕社會最主要的“圖騰”。蒼龍與應龍一樣,都是身具羽翼。


• 3x 朱雀 ZhuQue (Red)


ZhuQue, also known as Zhuniao, is one of the Four Symbols and one of the Four Celestial Emblems in traditional Chinese culture, with origins dating back to at least the Spring and Autumn Period. It is one of the Four Celestial Emblems and represents the manifestation of the southern seven constellations among the twenty-eight mansions, with its body covered in flames that never extinguish. It symbolizes the southern direction and is the collective term for the southern seven constellations (Well, Ghost, Willow, Star, Extended Net, Wings, and Chariot) among the twenty-eight mansions. Its color is red, representing the sun among the Four Symbols, belonging to the Fire element in the Five Elements theory, corresponding to the "Li" trigram in the Eight Trigrams, and symbolizing the summer season, associated with Yan Emperor. In pre-Qin burial culture, ZhuQue was regarded as the deity guiding the souls of the deceased to ascend to the heavenly realm.

朱雀,別稱朱鳥,在中國傳統文化中是四象之一、天之四靈之一,起源時間應不晚於春秋,天之四靈之一。它是二十八宿中南方七宿的顯化,其身覆火焰,終日不熄。它是代表南方的神獸,在二十八宿中,南方七宿即(井、鬼、柳、星、張、翼、軫)的總稱. 代表的顏色是紅色,在四象為太陽,於五行屬火,於八卦為離,代表的季節是夏季,配屬炎帝。先秦墓葬文化中接引死者靈魂上升天界的神明。


Setup and Placement 游戲設置和放置:

The game begins with an empty layout, and players arrange their pieces in stacks or as they prefer. During their turn, a player can either introduce a new piece from their supply or, if their YingLong has been placed, move a piece according to its unique function. Newly placed pieces must be adjacent only to the player's own pieces and cannot touch any pieces belonging to the opponent. However, an exception to this rule applies to the first piece played by each player, which cannot be adjacent to anything initially. Once placed, a piece can be moved to a new space, provided it remains adjacent to at least one other piece.

遊戲不需要棋盤,任何平面皆可當棋盤。游戲由一個空白的佈局開始,玩家可以按照自己的喜好將棋子排列或成堆的放置在自己的面前。游戲采回合制,在每個回合中,玩家可以各自引入一個新的棋子到中央的游戲區。如果玩家的應龍已經被放置在游戲區,玩家可以利用該回合根據每個棋子獨特的功能移動一個棋子。如果玩家選擇引入新棋子,新放置的棋子必須并且只能與玩家自己的棋子相鄰,不能觸碰到任何屬於對手的棋子。然而,這個規則有一個例外,就是游戲一開始每個玩家各自放出的第一個棋子。游戲期間,棋子雖然可以依照屬性移動到新的空間,但是前提是它仍然要與至少游戲中一個棋子相鄰。這是這游戲中的最重要規則— 「單一境界規則」,棋子不能夠脫離境界。

After the YingLong is placed, players have the freedom to place or move pieces as desired. As the layout expands and pieces become surrounded, players typically strategize to avoid immediate entrapment of their stronger tiles. The YingLong must be placed within the first four turns, preferably before the fourth turn to enable subsequent piece movements.



Movement in ShanHai adheres to the hexagonal shape of the tiles, where one face of a tile must connect with the face of an adjacent tile. Each move corresponds to a transition to a different hex-shaped area adjacent to the current space and to another piece. Although the game lacks a physical board, it operates as if played on an infinite plane of tessellated hexagons.



A fundamental rule in ShanHai is the One-Realm Rule, which prohibits moving a piece in a way that creates two separate groups of pieces during or after its movement. Even if the layout remains as one group after the move, if the realm becomes disconnected while the piece is in transit, the move is considered illegal. This rule enables the strategic tactic of "trapping" an opposing piece by maneuvering one's own piece to the outside, rendering the opposing piece unable to move legally due to being stranded.



Moves typically occur around the circumference of all layout pieces, and a piece cannot enter or exit a hexagon that is almost or completely surrounded, a principle known as the Freedom to Move Rule. However, there are two exceptions to this rule, as outlined below.



The movement of pieces is as follows 棋子的移動規則如下:


The YingLong is the least mobile among the pieces, capable of advancing only one space at a time in any direction. Despite this limitation, a strategic maneuver of the YingLong at the right moment can prevent it from being cornered and disrupt the opponent's strategies.



The XuanWu, on the other hand, moves similarly, advancing one space at a time. However, it possesses a unique ability to ascend atop any adjacent piece. Once perched, the XuanWu can then progress one space at a time across the upper surface of the layout. While a XuanWu occupies the top position, the underlying piece remains immobilized, and for placement purposes, the space adopts the color of the XuanWu tile rather than the underlying one. Additionally, a XuanWu can ascend onto another XuanWu, enabling the potential construction of a stack up to five tiles high. When positioned on top of the layout, a XuanWu can descend back onto the edge of the board or into any surrounded space.



An uncommon yet significant movement limitation of the XuanWu is a variation of the Freedom to Move Rule. It cannot directly traverse between two adjacent hexes if such movement entails passing through a gap between two stacks of pieces, both of which are taller than the origin and destination hexes (excluding the XuanWu). However, the XuanWu can circumvent this restriction by taking two turns to navigate around the obstructing stacks. 



The BaiHu is restricted to moving precisely three spaces around the periphery of the layout. While this limitation diminishes its effectiveness in later stages of the game, it serves as a valuable asset at the outset, either as a foundational piece for other units or as a swift attacking force when the layout is still compact. Even as the layout expands, a strategically positioned BaiHu retains its ability to significantly influence the game.



In contrast, the ZhuQue is a flying piece that traverses by flying over one or more other pieces in a straight line, landing on the first adjacent space on the opposite side of the pieces. It always moves in alignment with one of its faces, never diagonally. This mode of movement enables the ZhuQue to swiftly span the layout from one side to the other, akin to the XuanWu, and maneuver into enclosed spaces.



The QingLong, akin to the YingLong or BaiHu, is confined to moving around the edge of the layout. However, unlike these pieces, the QingLong can traverse any number of spaces at the player's discretion. This exceptional freedom of movement renders the QingLong a formidable unit, capable of strategically positioning itself anywhere along the perimeter to ensnare an opponent's piece or liberate a trapped one.



Advanced tiles, which can be introduced into the game to enhance its complexity, include可以引入遊戲以增加其複雜性的進階棋子包括::

*All pieces are in the profiles, you will need to print each profiles twice, one time with black base and second time with white base.



• 1 麒麟 QiLin (Orange)

QiLin, also known as Gouchen, and Qìqiū, is a mythical creature in ancient Chinese mythology and is considered the descendant of the Jiangma. Its ancestor is YingLong. QiLin is often confused with the dragon horse. In ancient China, QiLin was used as a symbol of auspiciousness. The male is called "Qi," and the female is called "Lin." It is said to live for two thousand years. It has a gentle temperament and although it has weapons on its body to attack enemies, it does not harm humans or animals and does not trample on insects or flowers and grass. Therefore, it is called the benevolent beast. The head of the QiLin resembles a dragon, its body is like a deer, its feet are like a horse, its tail is like that of an ox, it has colorful patterns on its back, yellow fur on its belly, it can breathe fire, and its voice is like thunder. It is said to only appear in times of great peace or when there is a sage in the world, hence its name as the auspicious beast.



Movement and abilities移動與能力

The QiLin moves a total of three spaces: two atop the Realm and one downward. It's required to specifically move two spaces atop the Realm and then descend on its final move. It's not allowed to circumvent the outer edges of the Realm, nor can it conclude its movement atop the Realm. Unlike the XuanWu, it doesn't obstruct other pieces by landing on top of them, but it can enter or exit surrounded spaces.



• 1 貔貅 PiXiu (Purple)

Also known as Bixie and Tianlu, PiXiu is a mythical beast in Chinese legend. Chinese feng shui scholars believe that PiXiu is a auspicious creature that can turn misfortune into fortune. There is a tradition in Chinese culture to decorate with "PiXiu." PiXiu symbolizes richness and abundance, and people believe it can bring joy and good luck. From ancient times to the present, from emperors to common people, everyone pays great attention to collecting and wearing PiXiu. It is believed that PiXiu, besides its effect of bringing good luck and warding off evil spirits, also has functions such as guarding the house, changing the direction of the year, and promoting marriage.

The male PiXiu has a single horn, its head faces left, its left foot is forward, it has wings and a mane, while the female PiXiu is the opposite. However, in reality, a single PiXiu does not have a gender.

又稱辟邪、天祿。為中國傳說的一種瑞獸。中國的風水學者認為貔貅是轉禍為祥的吉瑞之獸。中國傳統有裝飾「貔貅」的習俗,貔貅寓意豐富,人們相信它能帶來歡樂及好運。從古至今,上至帝王、下至百姓都極度注重收藏和佩戴貔貅,傳說貔貅除了開運、辟邪的功效之外,還有鎮宅、化太歲、促姻緣等作用。 貔貅的公獸有獨角、頭朝左、左腳在前、有翅膀和鬃毛,而母獸則正好相反,但其實單隻貔貅是不分雌雄


Movement and abilities移動與能力

The PiXiu possesses a unique ability to assimilate the powers of any adjacent piece, regardless of whether it belongs to the player or the opponent. For instance, if the PiXiu is adjacent to a ZhuQue, it can move in the same manner as a ZhuQue. However, if a PiXiu ascends onto the PiXiu's tile using the powers of the XuanWu, the PiXiu can only move as a XuanWu until it descends to the main playing level. When multiple PiXiu are in proximity, each PiXiu acquires the powers of the pieces immediately adjacent to it; however, they cannot inherit powers through another PiXiu.



• 1 飛廉 FeiLian (Light Blue)

FeiLian, belongs to the category of "Yang Fire" and is a mythical creature in Chinese mythology. It governs the wind and is known as the Wind Earl (Wind God). Its appearance is that of a bird with a deer's head or a bird's head with a deer's body. One of the ancestors of the Qin people was FeiLian, and in ancient Chu, FeiLian was regarded as the Wind Earl. The shape of the Deer Stone Monuments, widely distributed in the Eurasian grasslands, is also that of a bird-headed deer body, which is consistent with the image of FeiLian recorded in ancient Chinese literature.



Movement and abilities移動與能力

The FeiLian, similar to the YingLong, moves one space at a time but also possesses a special ability instead of moving. This ability allows the FeiLian to relocate an adjacent unstacked piece (whether friendly or enemy) in two steps: first, lifting it onto the FeiLian itself, then placing it down into another empty space nearby. There are some exceptions to this ability:

The FeiLian cannot relocate a piece that was most recently moved by the opponent.

The FeiLian cannot relocate any piece that is part of a stack of pieces. For instance, attempts to move a piece through a XuanWu gate (if two XuanWus create a gate on the second layer of the Realm).

The FeiLian cannot relocate a piece if it would separate the realm (violating the One Realm Rule).

The FeiLian cannot relocate a piece through a too-narrow gap of stacked pieces (violating the Freedom to Move Rule).

Any piece relocated by the FeiLian cannot be moved at all (directly or via the FeiLian action) on the next player's turn.









Landscape tiles地形棋子:

The included storage box will fit all pieces except the landscape tiles. For a larger storage box that can accommodate all components, please visit https://makerworld.com/en/models/164415



Landscape tiles are neutral (they don’t belong to any player) and impose restrictions or change the movement behavior of your pieces. They are an integral part of the realm and therefore cannot be separated from it; they must be placed adjacent to an existing tile of any color/player. If moving a tile will seperate the lanscape tile, then it is a illegal move. There are no other restrictions on placing landscape tiles; therefore, they can also be placed inside a closed circle. Once a landscape tile is in place, it is fixed and cannot be moved. Other tiles must move over or around it. There are 6 pieces of each landscape tile (6 mountains and 6 seas); they can be placed adjacent to each other to form a larger area of landscape.



Landscape tiles are introduced at fixed intervals of an odd number (agreed upon between players). For instance, if a landscape tile is to be introduced every 5th turn, on the 5th turn of the game, player one will place a random landscape tile in the realm instead of moving or introducing their own tile. On the 10th turn, player 2 will do the same until all the landscape tiles are placed in the realm.



The inscription on the landscape tile are Chinese bronze inscriptions used in Bronze age China represent mountain and sea . Chinese bronze inscriptions also commonly referred to as bronze script or bronzeware script, are writing in a variety of Chinese scripts on ritual bronzes such as zhong bells and ding tripodal cauldrons from the Shang dynasty (2nd millennium BC) to the Zhou dynasty (11th–3rd century BC) and even later.



Mountain tile restrictions 山景棋的限制:

YingLong can ascends and sit atop a mountain, but crossing a mountain will cost two rounds(one step each). Surrounding the mountain where YingLong is atop will also end the game with YingLong captured.



QingLong and XuanWu cannot move over the mountain tile; they have to go around it.



BaiHu can go over a mountain; this means that if there are two tiles on each side of the mountain tiles, BaiHu can go between the two tiles but must reduce its movement space when encountering a mountain tile. For example, on a plain, BaiHu must move 3 spaces, but when crossing a mountain, BaiHu must move 2 spaces. BaiHu can rest and sit atop a mountain, which also reduces its movement at the cost of 1 space in its next move.



QiLin can go over mountain like any other tile.



FeiLian, like YingLong, can sit on a mountain tile, but it loses its "wind" power and cannot move an adjacent tile. On the plain, FeiLian cannot move a tile up to a mountain.



ZhuQue can fly over mountain tiles as a normal piece.



PiXiu's movement depends on the ability it has gained. If PiXiu is on a mountain and there were no creature tile next to it, it remained its current ability.



Sea tile restrictions海景棋的限制:

YingLong, being the god of water, can cross any number of sea tiles without restriction and can stay in the sea. Surrounding the sea tile where YingLong is on top will also end the game with YingLong captured.



QingLong and XuanWu can move into and over the sea tile as they would on the plane.



BaiHuQiLin, and FeiLian cannot move over the sea tile and have to go around it. FeiLian cannot move a tile into the sea either.



ZhuQue can fly over sea tiles as a normal piece.



PiXiu's movement depends on the ability it has gained.If PiXiu is in the sea and there were no creature tile next to it, it remained its current ability.



In the event that a player is unable to execute any legal moves, their turn is forfeited, and the opposing player proceeds to take two or more consecutive turns.



The conclusion of the game occurs under specific conditions:



1. Capture of YingLong: The game ends when a YingLong is encircled on all six sides by pieces belonging to either player. In this scenario, the player whose YingLong is surrounded is declared the loser.



2. Simultaneous Capture: If a move results in both YingLongs being surrounded simultaneously by pieces from both players, the game ends in a draw.



3. Stalemate: The game also results in a draw if both players find themselves in a situation where their best moves for a turn lead to an endless cyclical repetition of a series of moves, known as a stalemate.



These conditions determine the conclusion of the game, whether it be a victory for one player, a draw, or a stalemate situation.



This game is heavily influenced by the famous HIVE board game. The ShanHai Realm is in its infancy and would rely on the community to further develop it. Additional tiles can be added to expand the game, but please ensure that they are consistent with creatures from Chinese mythology. A good reference for these creatures is the 'Classic of Mountains and Seas' (《山海經》).



This game is exclusively available for the 3D printing community at no cost. Any commercialization of this game in any form is strictly prohibited. If you have intentions to commercialize it, please contact me directly.



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