Ikea Samla 22L - Filament Storage Box v2024

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Ikea Samla 22L - Filament Storage Box v2024

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Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 4 walls, 10% infill
0.2mm layer, 4 walls, 10% infill
11.6 h
6 plates



IKEA SAMLA 22L Filament Storage Set

I've remixed the comprehensive Filament Storage Box by Kroeskopie, utilizing Kroeskopie's modifications and incorporating my own changes to suit my specific needs. The system is built around the Ikea Samla 22L box, chosen for its global availability, ensuring that this solution can be replicated easily by others.


I appreciated the overall set, but I encountered issues with the rod holder and the desiccant boxes, which did not meet my preferences. Specifically, the rod holder's width was insufficient for my needs, as it could not accommodate rods that are 33 cm in length from one end to the other. To resolve this, I modified the holder by increasing its width to fit the rods. However, this adjustment caused the spools to be positioned lower, necessitating an increase in the holder's height as well. Consequently, the amount of filament required for a single holder increased from approximately 35g to 43g.


I did this because the IKEA Samla Box features indentations on the shorter sides, designed to facilitate easier handling and carrying. In my customization, the rod holders have been widened to span the width of the box, allowing the rods to rest against the interior sides of these indentations. This placement prevents the rod holders from sliding. By leveraging the box's built-in features, the adapted rod holders enhance the overall functionality and efficiency of the storage solution.


I also modified the desiccant boxes as well, opting to replace all rounded holes with square ones. This alteration reduced stress and noise from the printer, in my experience, since the design now involves only straight lines. The comparison in printing times and material use between the original design with rounded holes (1 hour and 42 minutes using 54g of filament) and the new square-holed version (1 hour and 32 minutes using 54g of filament) shows no change in filament usage but a small reduction in printing time.


Furthermore, I switched out the Samla Lid Clips for an alternative design by Wookbert. This change was motivated by my storage setup, where I stack my boxes under a table. Wookbert's clip design lacks the protruding release piece, making it easier to slide a box on top of another without having to first pull out the lower box, thus streamlining the process of accessing and organizing the stacked boxes.

Original Sources that Kroeskopie used

  • Original Creator Ikea Samla Foam Clips: 3Dpartmaker on Thingiverse.
  • Original Ikea Samla Clip The best one: Wookbert on Thingiverse (these are the ones I used)
  • Original Creator Ikea Samla Silicagel Box: Grizmo on Thingiverse.
  • Original Creator Ikea Samla Drybox Sensor Mount: RoboMagus on Thingiverse.
  • Original Creator Ikea Samla Gliding Feet: Physicator on Thingiverse.
  • Original Creator 10 mm Rod Holder: CCoonz on Thingiverse.

Please support all these great designers! Thank you for your work!

What and How To Print

I used the 0.20mm Standard @BBL X1C profile in Bambu Studio and edited a bit to my likings.

  • Wall loops: 4 (I printed desiccant box bottom and lid with 5 walls)
  • Top shell layers: 4
  • Bottom shell layers: 4
  • Sparse infill density: 10%
  • Sparse infill patern: Rectilinear

I have put everything on multiple buildplates and named the accordingly. I have added some print suggestions for you which worked good for me after printing all the things for eight boxes.

For one Samla 22l box you need:

  • Plate 1: One set of 8 clips. Recommendation: Add an outer brim. Filament: PETG
  • Plate 2: Sensor Mount and Feet
  • Plate 3: Rod Holders High
  • Plate 4: Desiccant Box Bottom (can hold ca. 100g of Desiccant)
  • Plate 5: Desiccant Box Lid
  • PLate 6: Original Clips from the Kroeskopie's projekt for reference

To complete this setup, you might need to buy some extra stuff:

  • 4x M3 Bolt, 16 mm in length.
  • 4x M3 Nut. (I did not need them as my screws went it quite tight)
  • Self-adhesive foam tape for extra sealing the lid.
  • Doublesided self-adhesive tape for mounting the rod holders. Might not be needed, as desribed above.
  • A 10 mm rod. I like to use aluminium rods. Must be cut to the right size.
  • A round hydrometer. These can be bought cheap on Alieexpress.
  • You could add some soft, self-adhesive felt on the gliding feet, but this is completly optional.

Some small instructions on some of the printable parts

Ikea Samla Clips: Add a brim to the printing profile when printing the clips for good adhesion to you build plate. Otherwise, the print may fail! A standard, Outer brim only, 5mm width should be enough. Also I printed them in PETG for a bit mor flexibility, but it is not needed if you dont have. I have also added the original ones from Kroeskopie / 3Dpartmaker as reference. Print which you like the best and which fits best with whatever you use as sealing for the lid.


Ikea Samla Drybox Sensor Mount: M3 Bolt have quite a tight fit. Use some pliers to force the M3 nut in. Use a 3 mm drill for drilling the holes in the Samla box. The screws I used have a thight fit and I do not need to add the nuts on the other side. But that is up to you and how good your printer is.


Ikea Samla 10 mm Rod Holder: I replaced the screwholes from the original design. This also gives a cleaner print. To secure them in place, you can screw them down from the bottom or just use double sided tape.




If there are more suggestions for better settings, please let me know in the comments.

Comment & Rating (15)

Please fill in your opinion

Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 4 walls, 10% infill
Love it! I used wooden dowels instead, put the hygrometer on the long side, and skipped the feet (may add in the future). great print!
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 4 walls, 10% infill
I really like this project (and also the original obviously) because it is very customizable if desired and the models are beautiful and very precise. Congratulations! Some things I didn't understand: what the holes on the supports and the feet are for. And then I don't understand how to fit the cover of the gel box, I can't do it and even if I were to do it, how do I reopen it? Thanks!
Looks like some pretty detailed refinements. Well done and happy printing. :-)
The designer has replied
Hello Kroeskoppie, thank you and yes it was a lot of fun printing all of them. Thanks for your effort for collecting all of them into one set. I have about 10 Samla Boxes now, and underneath the table, there is only a little bit of room left, so I had to find other clips to let me slide in and out of the boxes a bit easier. But you started it, and I adjusted the things to my likings a bit. I think this is what makes the makerworld and printables and thingiverse and all the others so nice, you find something, and then you can adjust it to your likings.
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 4 walls, 10% infill
Finally a dry storage box that works! thank you
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 4 walls, 10% infill
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 4 walls, 10% infill
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 4 walls, 10% infill
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 4 walls, 10% infill
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 4 walls, 10% infill
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 4 walls, 10% infill