Box Fan High-Pressure Mod - For LASKO

Box Fan High-Pressure Mod - For LASKO 3D print model


Whether you're building a filtration unit to filter out wildfire smoke in your home, a dust collector for the shop, or simply looking to get a bit more bang out of your Lasko fan, this relatively quick box fan mod significantly improves the airflow from your fan and allows it to more effectively push / pull air at higher pressure, especially when obstructed with one or multiple filters.

Made up of eight easy to print parts, this mod works by making your fan into a far more effective ducted fan. By closing the distance between the blades and the frame, this mod simply prevents air from recirculating around the ends of the blades and either, being pushed back out of the intake, or being ingested from the sides rather than front.

Included in this download are eight, ready-to-print, high-resolution meshes along with a visual project guide outlining all of the steps and tools required.

Will it work for other box fans? Probably not, though if you send some dimensions we could work out a design for your particular fan!

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Box Fan High-Pressure Mod - For LASKO
Custom No Ai License 
Box Fan High-Pressure Mod - For LASKO
Custom No Ai License 
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3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)67.4 MB
  • PDF (.pdf)67.4 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-11-16
  • Model ID#4908361
  • Ready for 3D Printing