Wobbly Chess Set

Prints (0)


SummaryThis is a chess set that I designed to learn some new skills with sketchup. The rounded bases of the pieces are weighted and sit on concave squares. It makes for an interesting twist to the standard chess board. Special thanks to PerryT for the idea for the board base. This is a marathon of a print, roughly 60 hours went into this project and I can tell you it was no easy task. Make no mistake though, if you want to take your 3D printing to the next level or you are an avid chess fan this project is for you. Finnish this print and you will be among the masters of the printing world, you exploits and heroism will be spoken of far and wide by hobbyists and professionals alike. Good luck and God speed! If you like this thing please consider a small donation, it allows me to keep posting stuff like this. Donate Update 3/18/13: I have added a single Pawn .stl along with .stls for a full set of Rooks, Knights, Bishops, King and queen. One includes the Knight that needs support and the other set is for the two piece Knight that needs to be glues together.InstructionsAll the pieces of the board can be printed without support and at 10% infill. Anything above 10% will add considerably to the print time but will result in a stronger and heavier build overall. 1.) Print 8 Pawns in white and 8 pawns in black. 2.) Print 2 Rooks, 2 Knights, 2 Bishops, 1 Queen and 1 King in both black and white. 3.) Print 32 Base pieces in grey or in the color opposite of the piece. 4.) Print 32 Board Squares in black and 32 in white. 5.) Print the Board Base in grey or back. Print 4 corners, 8 edge pieces and 4 center pieces. 6.) The Base pieces are designed to be weighted with pennies or lead shot. Add 5 pennies to each base and super-glue in place. 7.) The base pieces and chess pieces should be sanded lightly to create a good fit and glued together. 8.) The Board pieces should be sanded lightly to ensure a snug fit on the base. The base and the squares should be glued into place after being test fit to make sure that all the corners fit well. 9.) Have fun!

Design Files

File Size

461 KB
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181 KB
354 KB


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