PRO TOURING MCS Low-Pro Chassis Driveline N Transaxle

PRO TOURING MCS Low-Pro Chassis Driveline N Transaxle 3D print model


Designed from scratch to match the MCS Pro Touring Chassis platform in my store, or for any front engine rear gearbox model build, is a racing inspired bellhousing, ornate drive shaft, sequential transaxle gearbox, and ornate axle.

Other items in build photos are not included & are for reference only. High in detail, ideal for scale modeling (currently in 1/24 and 1/25 scale).

Perfect for those customized show builds!

Photos form part of the assembly instructions, or you can find finished builds on my instagram account - mattys_custom_scale Be sure to tag me in your prints & builds too.

Where both sides of parts are identical, i have provided the Right-hand side parts, and mentioned R in the file description. For the opposite side, use your slicer to mirror them. Any problems please let me know

Intended for personal use, not to be redistributed without consent

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PRO TOURING MCS Low-Pro Chassis Driveline N Transaxle
Custom License 
PRO TOURING MCS Low-Pro Chassis Driveline N Transaxle
Custom License 
Response 97% in 37.3h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (4 files)30.1 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-07-09
  • Model ID#3863812
  • Ready for 3D Printing