Raspberry Pi Camera Desktop Stand

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Summary A desktop stand for the Raspberry Pi Camera. Features an enclosed case to keep out dust and a path for the camera's FFC to run under the stand and out the back. Requires.. 1 x Raspberry Pi Camera. 1 x Camera FFC. 4 x M2 6mm Socket Cap Screws. 4 x M3 25mm Socket Cap Screws. 2 x M3 30mm Socket Cap Screws. 6 x M3 Hex nuts. Optional cork base to protect the FFC underneath. Print with your favourite thermo-plastic (http://e3d-online.com/All-Filament) Print Settings Printer: E3D's BigBox Rafts: No Supports: No Resolution: 0.25mm Infill: 15%

Design Files

File Size

1.31 MB
693 KB
1.59 MB
3.16 MB


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